



澳门新葡京娱乐城网址在《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》/《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》(the Wall Street Journal/College Pulse 2024)的学生体验排名中名列全美第一.S. rankings. 学生体验排名基于三个方面:校园设施, community and social life, and diversity on campus. Each category accounted for one-third of the overall ranking score.

“听到我们的学生对他们的经历评价如此之高,我并不感到惊讶, 我要感谢所有的“路跑者”同学们在排名调查中分享他们的学生经历,” said Mackenzie Manley, Dalton State student body president. “In my time at Dalton State, 学院一直致力于改善学生的体验. Every year, it seems Dalton State students get access to a new resource, a new academic partnership, new events and overall new opportunities.”

用于院校排名的数据主要来自college Pulse在2023年1月至5月期间收集的经过验证的大学生和校友的调查数据. 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址与《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》(The Wall Street Journal)和《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》(college Pulse)合作,将这项调查分享给了澳门新葡京娱乐城网址的在校生和应届毕业生.

“在任何类别的全国排名第一都是对工作的反映, dedication and support of our faculty and staff, community partners, 以及非常慷慨的捐助者以及州长的财政支持, General Assembly, the Board of Regents, and the Chancellor over the years,” said John Fuchko III, interim president at Dalton State. “但这个排名有着特殊的意义,因为它几乎完全基于我们的学生和应届毕业生如何看待他们在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址的经历. It tells us that our work and dedication is having an impact, 我们将继续努力,在一个他们可以称之为家的校园里,为我们的学生提供一种转型的大学体验.”

而校园设施类别则评估学生对校园设施的满意度, 学生在社区和社会生活方面的满意度是基于学生对“社区意识”等方面的满意度,” support for students and campus safety. Diversity on campus was measured in terms of ethnicity, inclusion of students with lower family incomes, inclusion of students with disabilities, and international diversity as reflected in government data. Additionally, 这一类别包括学生对与不同背景的学生互动的机会的质量和频率的满意度.

In addition to providing a quality education at an affordable price, student experience is at the forefront of Dalton State’s mission, according to Jodi Johnson, 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址负责学生事务和招生管理的副校长.

“学生的经历是学生在大学取得成功的整体能力的一个组成部分, and we make that a priority from day one,” Johnson said. “From new student orientation through to graduation, 我们努力确保我们的学生参与并意识到他们可以获得的资源. 从住宿和餐饮到校园娱乐,再到学生支持服务, we take a holistic approach to the student experience, so our students have access to what they need when they need it.”

Following the completion of two planned renovations, 在过去的十年里,校园里除了两栋建筑/设施外,其余的都将翻新或新建, according to David Lesicko, interim vice president for Fiscal Affairs at Dalton State.

“作为一个国家资助的机构,我们每年都有分配的预算. 我们很幸运能够继续进行并完成翻新和新建筑,这要归功于通过外部支持获得的额外资金, including capital projects and private donations, totaling $72.9 million,” Lesicko said. “我们在全国排名第一,说明了外部支持对我们校园和学生的影响.”

曼利指出,自从他于2019年进入澳门新葡京娱乐城网址以来,校园每年都在进行翻新. 其中包括吉尼亚大厅、红杉大厅和班迪体育馆的翻新.

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址不仅致力于提供高质量的学生体验, 但是学校也通过新的装修和建设不断改善校园,以确保学生始终得到他们需要的东西,” Manley said. “I believe all these things get accomplished in multiple ways, 比如有意的反馈和学生表达他们的愿望和需求, 但我相信这最终是由于我们的教职员工每天都表现出的激情和动力. 这些人是学生们能够做他们所做的事情的原因,也是我们拥有我们所拥有的东西的原因.”

澳门新葡京娱乐城网址服务于不同的学生群体,是格鲁吉亚第一个西班牙裔服务机构. 根据国家教育统计中心2020-2021年的入学数据, approximately 34% of students identify as Hispanic. In terms of socioeconomic status of Dalton State students, 72%的学生获得助学金或奖学金,46%的学生获得佩尔助学金, a form of federal aid for lower income households.

“Without a doubt, 道尔顿州立继续并将继续努力提高和保持学生的满意度,” Manley said. “Because of this, 在向校友过渡的过程中,我对自己和同学们充满信心, and I know we will make a mark wherever we settle down, the same way Dalton State has made a mark on us.”