

莱特商学院获得了AACSB国际认证, 促进大学商学院协会. AACSB is the premier accreditation of top 业务 schools around the globe and less than five percent of 业务 schools hold this distinction. The fundamental purpose of AACSB accreditation is to encourage 业务 schools to hold themselves accountable for improving 业务 practice through a commitment to strategic management, 成功的学习者, 以及有影响力的思想领导力. AACSB achieves this purpose by defining a set of guiding principles and standards, 协调同行评审和咨询, and recognizing high-quality 业务 schools that meet the standards and actively engage in the process.

国际AACSB的使命是促进参与, 加快创新,扩大商业教育的影响. This mission is aligned with AACSB’s accreditation standards for 业务 schools. AACSB致力于不断提高企业之间的参与度, 教师, institutions and 学生 so that 业务 education is aligned with the needs 业务 practice. 为了实现这一目标, AACSB encourages and accelerates innovation to continuously improve 业务 education. 结果是, 业务 schools will have a positive impact on 业务 和社会—and AACSB International will amplify that impact.

AACSB的愿景是改变商业教育,促进全球繁荣. 商业和商学院是一股向善的力量, 为世界经济作出贡献, and AACSB plays a significant role in making that benefit better known to all stakeholders—serving 业务 schools, 学生, 业务, 和社会.

在实现其使命和愿景, AACSB’s values drive future initiatives and interactions with the 业务 education community worldwide.

使命: We foster engagement, 加快创新,扩大商业教育的影响.

愿景: 改变商业教育,促进全球繁荣.

价值观: Quality - Inclusion and Diversity - 全球思维  - 道德 - Social Responsibility - 社区

For further information regarding the accreditation process and its value to your ongoing 业务 career please click the image below.



  • 展示WSOB对质量和持续改进的承诺.
  • Assures employers that 澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 produces successful graduates who are prepared to be productive members of society.
  • 证明WSOB毕业生已经达到了指定的学习目标.
  • Ensures currency of curricula, technology and pedagogy connected with quality teaching.
  • Ensures quality WSOB 教师 and staff are participating in the life of the college.
  • 允许您的WSOB产生符合我们使命的奖学金.
  • 展示WSOB如何对社会产生积极影响.



  1. 道德与诚信   6. 共同掌权
  2. 社会影响   7. 敏捷性
  3. 重点任务为导向   8. 全球思维
  4. 同行评审   9. 多元化和包容性
  5. 持续改进



The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states. It serves as the common denominator of shared values and practices among the diverse institutions in Alabama, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 田纳西州, 德州, Virginia and Latin America and other international sites approved by the Commission that award associate, 学士学位, 硕士或博士学位. The Commission also accepts applications from other international institutions of higher education.

使命宣言: The mission of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges is to assure the educational quality and improve the effectiveness of its member institutions.

核心价值观: The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges has six core values. 它们是:

  • 完整性
  • 持续改善品质
  • 同行评审/自律
  • 问责制
  • 学生的学习 
  • 透明度

愿景陈述: To serve as the premier model for shaping and ensuring the quality of higher education throughout the world.

For further information regarding the accreditation process and its value please click the image below.


澳门新葡京娱乐城网址 is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, 乔治亚州 30033-4097; telephone number 404-679-4501)颁授副学士及学士学位.




  1. 商业环境的战略知识
    1. Business 学生 will demonstrate a basic knowledge of all 业务 as well as competencies within the functional areas of 业务 (covered in MNGT 4701 Strategic Management)
    2. Business 学生 will make appropriate strategic 业务 decisions (covered in MNGT 4701 Strategic Management)
  1. 通信
    1. Oral - Business 学生 will deliver a professional oral 业务 presentation (covered in BUSA 3301 Business 通信)
    2. Written – Business 学生 will author a professional 业务 letter or memorandum (covered in BUSA 3301 Business 通信)
  1. 技术与决策
    1. 商科学生将展示有效使用信息的能力, technology and software (covered in BUSA 2201 Fundamental of Computer Applications)
    2. Business 学生 will use technology to solve and interpret a quantitative 业务 problem (covered in BUSA 2050 Business Statistics)


注:作为提醒, all 学生 will take a computerized exit exam as part of their strategic management class. 它涵盖了F区和商业核心课程. Please consider saving your books, notes, and other class materials to prepare for this online ETS商科专业实地测试.